Troubleshooting and fixing fault code No Code 212 "Safety or flow temperature rising too fast"

on your Worcester Greenstar Si Compact Combi Boiler

Hello, homeowners and engineers! Your Worcester Greenstar Si Compact Combi Boiler is a reliable source of warmth and comfort, but what happens when you encounter a fault code like No Code 212? Don’t fret! We’re here to bring excitement and guide you through this issue, ensuring your home stays cosy. So, buckle up and let’s embark on a thrilling journey to resolve fault code No Code 212!

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What is the Fault?

When your Worcester Greenstar Si Compact Combi Boiler displays the intriguing No Code 212, it indicates that either the safety or flow temperature is rising too rapidly. This fault code acts as a protective measure, preventing potential damage or compromising the safety of your boiler.

Red Flags!

To help you quickly identify the fault, keep an eye out for these five red flags:

  1. Rapid temperature changes: Notice if the temperature on your boiler fluctuates dramatically within a short period, indicating a potential issue with temperature regulation.
  2. Strange noises: Pay attention to any unusual sounds emanating from your boiler, such as whistling, banging, or gurgling. These could signify a problem related to the fault code No Code 212.
  3. Tripped safety sensors: If your boiler frequently trips its safety sensors or circuit breakers, it might be due to the rising temperatures triggering the fault code.
  4. Inconsistent hot water: If your hot water supply becomes erratic, alternating between scorching and lukewarm temperatures, it could be a result of the fault code No Code 212.
  5. Error code display: Of course, the most evident red flag is the intriguing No Code 212 itself flashing on your boiler’s control panel.

Check out what your allowed to do:

Troubleshooting Tips:

Before seeking professional assistance, try these five troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check water pressure: Ensure that your boiler’s water pressure is within the recommended range. Low pressure can lead to temperature irregularities and trigger the fault code.
  2. Verify thermostat settings: Confirm that your thermostat is set to an appropriate temperature and not excessively high, as this can cause the safety or flow temperature to rise rapidly.
  3. Inspect heating controls: Check that your heating controls are functioning correctly and set to the desired levels. Faulty controls can affect temperature regulation.
  4. Bleed radiators: If your radiators are not heating evenly, it may be due to trapped air. Bleeding them can restore proper circulation and alleviate temperature imbalances.
  5. Reset your boiler: Sometimes, a simple reset can resolve temporary glitches. Turn off your boiler for a short period, then turn it back on and observe if the fault code persists.

What can you do as a Homeowner?

As a proactive homeowner, here are five things you can do to address the fault code No Code 212:

  1. Take note of error details: Document any specific patterns or occurrences related to the fault code. This information will assist the engineer in diagnosing the problem.
  2. Remain calm and positive: Though faults can be frustrating, maintaining a positive attitude will help alleviate stress and make the resolution process smoother.
  3. Try power reset the boiler: Turn the boiler off by the mains switch and then turn it back on again. Sometimes this can help get rid of the error code. 
  4. Keep the area clear: Ensure that the space around your boiler is free from obstructions to allow for proper airflow and aid in temperature regulation.
  5. Schedule professional assistance: If the fault code persists or if you’re uncertain about performing further troubleshooting, contact a qualified engineer for assistance.

What to do as a Qualified Gas Engineer?

When it’s time to call in the professionals, here are five things an engineer can do to resolve the fault code No Code 212:

  1. Thorough inspection: As the engineer you will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your boiler, examining the safety mechanisms, flow system, and associated components.
  2. Repair or replacement: If any parts are found to be faulty or damaged, as the engineer make sure you repair or replace them accordingly.
  3. Temperature regulation adjustment: The engineer may recalibrate temperature settings to ensure optimal performance and prevent rapid temperature rises.
  4. System optimisation: As the engineer optimises the boiler’s operation, check for any restrictions or blockages that may contribute to the fault code.
  5. Safety checks and testing: To guarantee the safety of your home, as the engineer performs necessary safety checks and conducts tests to ensure proper functioning and compliance with regulations.


It is recommended to avoid using your boiler until the fault has been resolved to prevent potential damage or safety hazards.

The duration of repair depends on the specific cause and severity of the fault. An engineer will provide an estimated timeframe during their visit.

Fault code No Code 212 may be covered by your boiler’s warranty. Refer to the warranty terms and conditions or contact the manufacturer for clarification.

While some troubleshooting steps can be performed by homeowners, it is generally recommended to seek professional assistance to ensure accurate diagnosis and resolution.

Regular maintenance and adherence to manufacturer guidelines are essential. Schedule annual boiler servicing, keep the area around the boiler clear, and promptly address any temperature irregularities.


We hope this easy-to-read and exciting guide has provided you with insights into the fault code No Code 212 on your Worcester Greenstar Si Compact Combi Boiler. Embrace the journey towards a properly functioning boiler, and let warmth and comfort fill your home once again!

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