Troubleshooting and fixing fault code 722 “Zone 2 overheating”

on your Ariston E-Combi One Boiler

One of the issues that homeowners may encounter is the “722 Zone 2 Overheating” error, a fault that demands immediate attention to prevent potential hazards and maintain the boiler’s efficiency. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the 722 error, explore the reasons behind Zone 2 overheating, provide practical troubleshooting tips, and discuss measures that homeowners and engineers can take to restore safe and efficient heating.

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Understanding the Fault 722 Error:

The “722 Zone 2 Overheating” error on the Ariston E-Combi One boiler indicates that Zone 2 (an additional heating zone) is experiencing excessively high temperatures. The boiler’s safety mechanisms trigger this error to prevent any potential damage to the system or hazardous conditions. Overheating in Zone 2 may result from various factors, and it’s crucial to identify the root cause promptly.

Red Flags!

Error Code Display: The primary indicator of the 722 error is the display of the specific error code on the boiler’s control panel.

Excessive Heat: Occupants may notice Zone 2 becoming uncomfortably hot, even when other heating zones are operating normally.

Boiler Shutdown: To safeguard against further overheating, the boiler may automatically shut down when the 722 error is detected.

Unresponsive Heating Zone: Zone 2 may fail to respond to temperature adjustments or commands from the thermostat due to the overheating issue.

Boiler Noises: Unusual sounds coming from the boiler, such as rattling or clanking, may be a sign of overheating components.

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Troubleshooting Tips:

Before seeking assistance from an engineer, homeowners can attempt some preliminary troubleshooting steps to address the 722 error:

  1. Turn Off the Boiler: If the boiler displays the 722 error, turn off the system immediately to prevent further overheating and potential damage.
  2. Check Radiators and Pipes: Inspect the radiators and heating pipes in Zone 2 for any blockages or restrictions that could lead to overheating.
  3. Inspect Thermostat Settings: Ensure that the thermostat in Zone 2 is set to an appropriate temperature and is functioning correctly.
  4. Check Pump Operation: The boiler’s pump circulates hot water through the heating zones. Verify that the pump is working correctly and not causing Zone 2 overheating.
  5. Ventilate the Area: Ensure that the heating zone has proper ventilation to dissipate excess heat effectively.

What can you do as a Homeowner?

Apart from troubleshooting, homeowners can adopt proactive measures to prevent the 722 error and maintain optimal boiler performance:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Schedule annual servicing by a qualified engineer to keep the boiler in excellent condition and identify potential issues early.
  2. Zone Balancing: Work with a professional to balance the heating system, ensuring even heat distribution and avoiding overheating in specific zones.
  3. Monitor Zone Temperatures: Regularly check and compare temperatures in Zone 2 and other heating zones to detect any discrepancies.
  4. Limit Zone Usage: If you rarely use Zone 2, consider reducing its usage or shutting it down entirely to minimise the risk of overheating.
  5. Educate Household Members: Inform everyone in the household about the importance of proper heating zone usage and care.

What to do as a Qualified Gas Engineer?

If the 722 error persists or if homeowners are unable to troubleshoot the issue, it’s time to call a qualified engineer. Here’s what an engineer might do:

  1. Inspect Zone 2 Components: The engineer will examine all components related to Zone 2, including the thermostat, pump, and valves, to identify any issues.
  2. Check Boiler Pressure: An incorrect boiler pressure setting can contribute to overheating in specific zones. The engineer will check and adjust the pressure if necessary.
  3. Zone Balancing: The engineer will ensure that the heating system is correctly balanced, preventing overheating in any specific zone.
  4. Inspect Radiators and Pipes: The engineer will examine the radiators and heating pipes in Zone 2 for blockages, leaks, or other issues that may cause overheating.
  5. Boiler Safety Checks: To ensure the overall safety of the system, the engineer will conduct comprehensive safety checks on the boiler.

How To Fix the Fault Code 722 on an Ariston E-Combi One Boiler


The 722 error can be potentially dangerous if not addressed promptly. It indicates an overheating issue that requires immediate attention to prevent damage to the system or hazardous conditions.

Continued operation with the 722 error displayed is not recommended, as it indicates an overheating issue that could lead to system damage or pose safety risks.

Zone 2 overheating can be caused by factors such as a malfunctioning thermostat, blocked radiators or pipes, or an imbalanced heating system.

Annual servicing is recommended to ensure the boiler operates efficiently and safely. Regular maintenance can prevent issues like the 722 error from occurring.

Resetting the boiler may temporarily clear the error code, but it will not resolve the underlying cause of the overheating issue. Professional assistance is required to identify and address the root cause.


The “722 Zone 2 Overheating” error on the Ariston E-Combi One boiler demands immediate attention to ensure safe and efficient heating in your home. Overheating in Zone 2 can lead to potential damage to the system and create hazardous conditions. By understanding the fault, recognizing red flags, and learning troubleshooting tips, you can take proactive measures to prevent the 722 error and maintain the optimal performance of your heating system.

Regular maintenance, zone balancing, and proper education for household members are key to preventing overheating issues. If the 722 error persists, promptly seek assistance from a qualified engineer who can conduct thorough inspections, adjust boiler settings, and ensure the overall safety of the system.

With the guidance provided in this blog, you can now embark on a journey of heating excellence, ensuring your Ariston E-Combi One boiler remains a reliable source of warmth and comfort throughout the winter season. Embrace the warmth with confidence and make your home a true haven during the coldest months!

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