How to maintain your radiators

Why did the radiator need a therapist?

Because it had a lot of trapped air and needed to vent!

Winter is coming, and so is the need to keep your home toasty warm! Radiators are the unsung heroes of your heating system, but they often get overlooked when it comes to maintenance. Just like how we need to keep our bodies in shape, radiators also require a bit of TLC to keep them in tip-top condition. But don’t worry, maintaining your radiator can actually be pretty fun (yes, you read that right!). We’re going to share some helpful tips for maintaining the radiator that will make you feel like a DIY champ! From bleeding the radiator to identifying common issues, we’ve got you covered. So, grab your toolkit and let’s get started on making your radiator shine like a superstar!

  1. Cool down, radiator! Before starting any maintenance work, make sure to turn off the central heating system and let the radiators cool off.
  2. Wipe down the exterior of the radiator with a soft cloth. No need to use elbow grease, just gently remove any dust or debris.
  3. Check the valves for leaks. If your radiator is crying, it might be a sign of a leak. Dry its tears and address the issue promptly.
  4. Bleed the radiators to release any trapped air. Think of it as a spa day for your radiator. Use a radiator key to open the bleed valve and let the air escape.
  5. Top up the water level in the heating system. Hydration is key, and your radiator needs water to function properly.
  6. Add a chemical inhibitor to prevent the build-up of sludge and rust. This is like giving your radiator a superhero suit to fight against the villains of sludge and rust. 
  7. Check the condition of the radiator fins and straighten any bent ones with a fin comb. Your radiator deserves to look its best.
  8. Inspect the pipes leading to the radiator for leaks or damage. Fix any issues quickly to prevent your heating system from going down the drain.
  9. Test the thermostat valve to make sure it’s working properly. Your radiator needs to know when to take a break and when to get back to work.
  10. Check for corrosion. If your radiator is feeling rusty, it’s time to show it some love.
  11. Check the radiator brackets and supports for wear and tear. It’s like giving your radiator a supportive hug.
  12. Vacuum or sweep the floor around the radiator. Your radiator’s surroundings need to be as clean as its exterior.
  13. Make sure there are no objects blocking the flow of air around the radiator. Your radiator needs to breathe!
  14. Remove any towels or clothes from towel rail radiators before turning on the heating system. Your radiator needs some space to do its job properly.
  15. Finally, turn on the central heating system and bask in the warm, cozy glow of your well-maintained radiator. High-five yourself for a job well done!

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